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Image of Chris

I'm a detail-oriented, user obsessed designer with a passion for provoking delight in my users, never satisfied with "just OK" or "close enough." I hunt down problems and prescribe solutions. This process may begin by defining user and company goals, or it may start with a site map and a few quick sketches. What technique I decide to use really depends on whether or not I'm building a brand-new project or redesigning an existing one.

I've grown my skillset to encompass an end to end design process through discovery, defining, design, and delivery. So far, this process has worked well, but I will forever be a student. I love applying new design techniques or utilizing brand new design tools.

When I'm not designing, you may find me hiking one of the many trails here in the good ole Pacific Northwest, watching football, misplaying the guitar (still learning), or out and about with friends sipping on a No-Li Spin Cycle Red.

What I'm reading
Sun is a Compass

The Sun is a Compass

Caroline Van Hemert

What I'm learning
My Guitar - Fender Strat

Electric Guitar

With help from David Hillman

What I'm listening to
Sun is a Compass

Binaural Beats


A smooth sea
never made a
skilled sailor